Second Eel Scientists Meeting Held in Ueda City!
The Second Eel Researchers’ Meeting was held in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture (Tokyu Hotel Rei) from Monday, May 29 to Tuesday, May 30, 2023 (hosted by the Fisheries Agency). A total of 39 researchers, government officials, and industry representatives from Japan, China, Korea, and Chinese Taipei, as well as a Canadian American eel researcher, attended the event, and Professor Hiroshi Hakoyama and IFB researcher Leanne Faulks gave four presentations. In addition, an excursion to Koinishi Yana, Ueda Castle and the Freshwater Biological Institute was organized on the afternoon of the 30th (Tuesday) to deepen the exchange.
The purpose of this scientific meeting is to provide scientific advice on the sustainable use of Japanese eel resources in the context of the “Informal Consultation on International Eel Resource Conservation and Management” (Informal Consultation).
As stated in the Fisheries Agency’s summary of results, the results of this meeting are as follows:
The participating scientists made presentations on the scientific knowledge of eels, including the Japanese eel, and exchanged opinions and information.
Scientists from the four countries and regions agreed on a roadmap to be jointly implemented to strengthen cooperation in research on eels, including the Japanese eel.
To understand and predict resource trends, researchers established close relationships and collected and organized long-term time-series data on eel species, including fishery-independent data such as environmental DNA.
Sharing information on related technologies, such as tags attached to eels, to understand the migration routes of eels to their spawning grounds.
Analysis and evaluation of data obtained under A and B.
Formulation of a revised standard format for eel statistics at each stage of capture, pond stocking, aquaculture and trade of glass eels, juvenile eels (black eels) and adult eels.
It was agreed that the next Third Scientific Meeting would be held in Japan next spring.
Summary of the Results of the Second Scientific Meeting on Eels