Deputy Director Terada of the Chikuma River Office of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and members of the Chikuma River and Shinano River Research Project exchange views on research content, cooperation with river management, and responding to government needs!
On Friday, August 4, 2023, Deputy Director Terada and four others from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Chikuma River Office, and six members of the research group (research representative: Professor Hiroshi Hakoyama) from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, River Erosion Control Technology Research and Development, River Ecology General Research “The Importance of Habitat Continuity in Rivers - Research on Impact Assessment and Conservation Measures on River Ecosystems” (Institute of Freshwater Biology, Shinshu University Faculty of Engineering, Nagano Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station) exchanged opinions on research content and cooperation with river management and response to administrative needs. As river basin flood control, we discussed Deputy Director Terada’s request to conduct research to evaluate the impact on the ecosystem of the river dredging planned by the Chikuma River River Office over the next 5 to 30 years, and decided to contribute to the administration in environmental protection of the region while coming up with ideas as a research group.
The five-year project research will focus on the Chikuma River system and seek to clarify the impact of disturbance and river construction in river ecosystems on the continuity of habitats and the health and sustainability of populations and communities.
About the Shinano River System (Chikuma River) Emergency Flood Control Project and River Basin Flood Control Shinano River System (Chikuma River) Emergency Flood Control Project