Glass Eel Research Team Held Research Conference!
On the afternoon of October 5, 2023, a research conference for the glass eel research team of the International Resource Commissioned Eel Unit of the Fisheries Agency was held at the Institute of Freshwater Biology. Glass eels, which are juvenile Japanese eels, come to the coast of East Asia on ocean currents such as the Kuroshio Current from spawning grounds far off the coast of Guam. The Glass Eel Research Team tracks glass eel migration trends in each region through direct surveys using bag seines and hand-scoop nets. By providing information on glass eel migration outside of the fishing season that cannot be obtained from fishery data, it is an important resource science survey for understanding the recruitment of juvenile eels into the eel population. This survey examines not only the number of glass eels caught and their CPUE (catch per unit effort), but also their size and pigmentation development, and tracks changes in the quality of migrating juveniles over time. Starting this year, environmental DNA surveys will also be conducted to compare results with CPUE from direct surveys. The meeting included a lively discussion of the latest survey results and a debate on data analysis.
Meeting Agenda
Date: October 5, 2023
Time: 13:30-15:40
Location: Nagano University Institute of Freshwater Biology Conference Room, 1088 Komaki, Ueda City
Opening Ceremony
Survey of glass eels in Miyazaki, Shuichi Hayashida (13:30-13:50)
Glass eel survey in Wakayama, Yoshitsugu Kaji (13:50-14:10)
Glass eel survey in Kagoshima, Hiroki Nakajima (14:10-14:30)
- 10 minute break (14:30-14:40)
Glass eel survey in Fukuoka, Noritaka Mochioka (14:40-15:00)
Glass eel survey in Chiba, Yasuhiko Mabuchi (15:00-15:20)
General discussion (15:20-15:40)
10 minute break (15:40-15:50)
Data Analysis Session
Time series data analysis by Hakoyama Hiroshi (15:50-16:10)
Discussion of analysis of survey data by each JV (16:10-18:00, with breaks in between)