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Ueda Nishi High School Learning Project (UNMP) course "Let's learn about the water quality of the Chikuma River!" was held at the Freshwater Biology Research Institute!


On October 15, 2023, the 5th UNMP course was held, and students from Ueda Nishi High School learned about the water quality of the Chikuma River through hands-on training in the Chikuma River field and at the Institute of Freshwater Biology. UNMP is an educational project led by the Ueda Nishi High School Student Council and supported by the Freshwater Biology Research Institute. This time, Associate Professor Sakie Kodama was in charge of the response. In the morning, water quality measurements and benthic fauna surveys were conducted at the Chikuma River field in the light rain. The survey results were examined in accordance with the Ministry of Environment’s Water Quality Assessment Manual, which uses aquatic biota as an indicator of water quality, and it was confirmed that there were significant differences in water quality and aquatic biota between the main stream of the Chikuma River and the treated sewage water discharged into the Chikuma River. Classroom lectures were also given, including a course on water quality data analysis.

As part of the high school-university collaboration, the Institute of Freshwater Biology supports club activities and inquiry-based learning for local high school students.

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