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Study Group on Promotion of Fisheries Resource Survey and Evaluation Project (Eel Unit) held at Fisheries Agency in Kasumigaseki!


On January 19, 2024, a Study Group on Promotion of Fisheries Resource Survey and Evaluation Project (Eel Unit) was held at Fisheries Agency in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo for the FY2023. This project research on Japanese eel resource management is a commissioned and subsidized research project of the Fisheries Agency led by Professor Hiroshi Hakoyama, in which 39 research and development institutions (14 JV institutions, 25 collaborative institutions) are participating. This annual report meeting was attended by 72 people from the Fisheries Agency, universities, prefectures and other research and development institutions who presented the results of their research on eel resources. The results of this project, which will identify trends in the ever-declining eel resource and estimate the risk of extinction, will contribute to resource management at the national and prefectural levels, as well as in countries and regions along the East Asian coast.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Opening Remarks (Mizugaki, International Resources Section Chief) 13:15-13:20 (5 min)

  2. Introduction of Participants (List) 13:20-13:25 (5 min)

  3. Review of promotion and results

  4. Overall Summary Report, Hakoyama 13:25-13:35 (10 min)

  5. Trend Analysis of Eel Resources, Hakoyama 13:35-14:00 (25 min)

  6. Population Genetic Analysis of Eel, Sekino (Hakoyama/Faulks) 4:00-14:20 (20 min)

  7. Summary of glass eel migration survey, Mochioka/Hakoyama 14:20-14:40 (20 min)

  8. Satellite tag flow chamber experiment, Sato (Yoshida) 14:45-15:00 (15 min)

  9. Reducing the resistance of eel satellite tags, Iio 15:00-15:15 (15 min)

  10. Improvement of eel satellite tags, Yamaguchi 15:15-15:30 (15 min)

  11. Investigation of Argos satellite tags, Hakoyama 15:30-15:45 (15 min)

  12. Marine survey of eel larvae for prediction of glass eel fishery, Fukuda 15:45-15:55 (10 min)

  13. General discussion 15:55-16:05 (10 min)

  14. Closing remarks (Kishihara Research Director) 16:05-16:10 (5 min)
