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Glass Eel Research Group Meeting held at IFB!


On October 24, 2024, a meeting of the Glass Eel Research Group of the International Resource Project Eel Unit, commissioned by the Fisheries Agency, was held at the Institute of Freshwater Biology. The Glass Eel Research Group is conducting long-term studies of glass eel migration in several regions through direct, non-fishing surveys. The meeting was also streamed online and was attended by more than 20 people from the Fisheries Agency and the Eel Unit. Lively discussions followed the agenda below.

Meeting Agenda

Date: October 24th

Time: 13:30-15:40

Location: Institute of Freshwater Biology Conference Room, 1088 Komaki, Ueda City, TEL 0268-22-0594

  1. Opening Ceremony

  2. Survey of glass eels in Miyazaki, Teru Takahashi/Shuichi Hayashida (online) (13:30-13:50)

  3. Glass eel survey in Wakayama, Yoshitsugu Kaji (13:50-14:10)

  4. Glass eel survey in Kagoshima, Takashi Shiosaki (14:10-14:30)

10 minute break (14:30-14:40)

  1. Glass eel survey in Fukuoka, Noritaka Mochioka (14:40-15:00)

  2. Glass eel survey in Chiba, Yasuhiko Mabuchi (15:00-15:20)

  3. General discussion (15:20-15:40)

  4. Conclusion

10-minute break (15:40-15:50)

Data Analysis Session

Time: 15:50-18:00

  1. Time series data analysis 2 by Hakoyama Hiroshi (15:50-16:10)

  2. Discussion of Analysis of Survey Data from Each JV (16:10-18:00, with breaks)
